Sunday, October 25, 2009

Roasted Carrots

I have made these a few times recently and LOVE LOVE LOVE them! The kids love them too and that's the best part.

Of course depending on how many people you are feeding adjust accordingly, but I'm going to do for 1 lb carrots which will feed a good size group.

1 lb peeled and cut carrots
2 tbsp canola or olive oil
1 tbsp Garlic Salt
1/2 tbsp corriander (or oregan0....I have done both)

Just dump all ingredients into a gallon zip lock, mix well coating all carrots. Dump on a foil lined pan and cook at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes depending on how small you cut the carrots.

You really can use whatever seasonings you perfer. EAch time I make them I try something new!

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