Monday, October 13, 2008


If you are like me then you love exchanging recipes. I figure that I'm going to have this blog so that we can share recipes as well as tips and whatever might help us figure out "What's for dinner." My husband gets pretty tired of me asking what he thinks we should have for dinner, because I'm always trying to figure out what to make. So, if you'd like to join... then email me at and then I can add you as an author so that you can post your own recipes to share with everyone. You can post anything you'd like... quick n easy recipes, holiday recipes, family favorites... and we'll try to label them so that they are easily accessible. Label whether it's a main dish or dessert, etc. and also sometimes the main ingredient such as chicken, pork, etc. if it's fitting. You can also request tips and recipes if you're looking for something in particular. It would also be great if any of you have favorite websites that give you yummy recipes or meal plans to share them as well. Anything really that we can all help each other out with. Also, please share any advice of how to make this blog better. I'm still a little new at the blogging thing, so any help is much appreciate. Plus this blog is going to be a work-in-progress. THANKS and Happy Cooking!


The Duckworth Family said...

Hey Dixie, this is so fun I'm excited to be part of it! I would love to be an author and add some of my recipes and cooking peeling 200 peaches! Also I noticed a place for other cooking blogs so I thought I would share one our cousin Natalie has:
I also am so sorry I didn't call you or do anything on your birthday! So Happy Birthday! I'm behind again! love you!

Kallee and Duncan said...

Ya! I am so excited! I am going to post one of my favorite soups here pretty soon....I just going to make it and then post a pic....I LOVE TO COOK!!!

Brook said...

Hooray! I was seriously going to start one of these the other day, so thanks for taking the initiative and doing it!