Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My mom grew up with a tradition of frying donuts on Halloween, and the last few years she's been making it a tradition at our house. We did it last saturday and had a blast. The donuts were so yummy! Thanks MOM!

Doughnuts (Spudnuts)

4 cups milk
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. salt
1 cup warm water
4 Tbsp. yeast
4 eggs
2 cups mashed potatoes – or make up some potato flakes
1 tsp. nutmeg (if desired) you can also put in lemon flavoring rather than nutmeg
2 Tbsp. vanilla
2 tsp. soda
12-15 cups flour

2 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup water or milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Put milk, butter, sugar and salt in a bowl and put in the microwave to scald milk. Take it out just before it boils, or when the butter is fully melted. Set aside to cool. Combine yeast and water to soften yeast. Once the milk mixture has cooled, add eggs and yeast. Mix. Add nutmeg, vanilla, mashed potatoes, and soda. Then add half of the flour. Beat until smooth. Stir in more flour to make soft dough. Turn out and knead. Put in a greased bowl. Cover and let rise for 1 hour or until double in size. Punch down, and roll out ½ inch thick. Cut with cutter. Place on greased sheets. Cover and let rise 1 hour. Fry in vegetable oil (375 degrees) at around medium heat. Dip in glaze.
Makes about 140 doughnuts.

1 comment:

Kallee and Duncan said...

Oh this makes me very happy to try this !!!