Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shopping List

So, I was sooooo excited today!!! I hate trying to decide what to have to dinner, but right along with that I HATE trying to put together my shopping lists. I have found quite a few websites lately that will compile my shopping list for me, BUT I have to use their recipes to compile one. Plus there are a million other things that I have to add to my shopping list, like the basics. I really wanted to use my own recipes and have them stored so I can just click the meals I want and the click Print Shopping List. Well.... maybe all of you are a lot smarter than I.... BUT.. I was pretty darn excited today when I discovered how I can use my own recipes AND print my shopping list on ALLRECIPES.COM
Did you know on allrecipes, that you can create a pantry list. So when you're making a shopping list you can add those things that you always need to buy. BUT today I realized that I can create a bunch of pantries! Each of my pantry lists has the title of my recipe and included in the list are the ingredients needed to make my recipes that I use all the time. NOw all I have to do is go to the pantry list, click on the recipes i want to make for the week and click add to shopping list, then print it. YAY. It will take a little bit for me to add my recipes, little by little, but once i have all my favorites in there, then making a shopping list should be a breeze.
Just thought i'd share!


Shalamar said...

I love how exciting the little things are! I'm really glad that website is working for you. I don't use it as much as you but I still love getting a new recipe everyday. I print out most of them and have tried a few.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm going to try it!

Kallee and Duncan said...

ooooooO!! This makes me very happy...I hate creating shopping lists as well.